

SNH Enterprise

Shawnies Nail House(SNH268)Welcome to Shawnies Nail House, where beauty, precision, and creativity come together to give you the perfect nail experience. As a dedicated nail technician, I take pride in delivering high-quality manicures, pedicures, na

Petite Fullset

1小时 30分钟

CALL 08033654268 for Peacock College of Nursing Sciences, Akure 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL +2348033654268 DR MRS ROSEMARY

CALL 08033654268 for Peacock College of Nursing Sciences, Akure 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL +2348033654268 DR MRS ROSEMARY for FORM purchase and ADMISSION assistance. Contact School Admin 08033654268 , DR MRS ROSEMARY via 08033654268 for mor

Educational Assessment


CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, OLAH, Jos, Plateau State 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL

CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, OLAH, Jos, Plateau State 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL 07033173228 DR MRS MERCY for FORM purchase and ADMISSION assistance. Contact School Admin 07033173228 , DR MRS MECRY via 07033173228 for m

excel experince


CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, Obahia-Ndoki, Abia State 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL 07033173228

CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, Obahia-Ndoki, Abia State 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL 07033173228 DR MRS MERCY for FORM purchase and ADMISSION assistance. Contact School Admin 07033173228 , DR MRS MECRY via 07033173228 for m

excel experince



Thank you for choosing me to be your nail technician

Basic Fullset


Ombré full set

2小时 30分钟

Triple Ombré Fullset


Sanki Mentorship & Coaching


Welcome to Sanki US official Mentor and Coaching booking platform.Look, it’s no secret that the most successful people in our industry are held ACCOUNTABLE. As in, they have a coach or mentor to help guide them along the way...And more importantly, h

Book a 1 on 1 Coaching


Virtual Grand Opening


Home or Hotel Meeting



Pole Fitness is a form of exercise that combines dance and acrobatics, using a vertical pole as the primary apparatus. It involves a variety of movements such as spins, climbs, inversions, and strength-building tricks. It is well known for its abilit

Intro to pole

1小时 30分钟

CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, Federal Medical Centre, 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL

CALL 07033173228 for College of Nursing Sciences, Federal Medical Centre, 2025/2026 Admission Form is OUT CALL 07033173228 DR MRS MERCY for FORM purchase and ADMISSION assistance. Contact School Admin 07033173228 , DR MRS MECRY via 07033173228 for mo

excel experince




1.目前系統開放本公司所屬品牌講師、配合單位、團體內部使用。   暫不對外開放,外部單位請來電聯繫。2.預約週六時段者請注意,因為這時段使用者多,   原則上預約早場的盡量可以在4點以前結束,課程不要卡在中間,   讓下一堂課可以早一點進行,利人利己。3.每年2~3月與8月底~10月中為出貨月,暫停開放請來電聯繫。4.會議室空間最佳人數:1~26人。最大桌+椅數量32人,人數過多會影響空調效率。



Harmoonia Salong


Добро пожаловать в салон массажа «Гармония». Наш девиз «Гармония в душе и теле». Мы поможем найти решение для беспокоящих Вас вопросов и проблем, активировать внутренние ресурсы и творческий потенциал, увидеть новые аспекты своей жизни. Гармонизиро

Комплексный массаж Хаким

1小时 30分钟

Антицеллюлитный массаж (можно с банками)


Массаж Хаким спина и шея
