TWO_ONE_TWOPre-settlement viewing for apartments on levels 7 - 8 (only).Viewing to be held on:Monday 25th September - appointments available from 8.30am to 4pm (last viewing window)Viewings are in 30min slots. Viewers are not strictly limited to 30 mins in the unit, you can stay 5mins or 60mins. But all viewers will be required to vacate the building at 4.30pm, so if you require longer than 30mins in the unit do not book the last appointment of the day.Only one viewing per unit is permitted, regardless of the number of buyers. Multiple viewings booked for the same unit will result in earlier viewing times booked to being cancelled.Bookings for viewings of units not on levels 7 - 8 on Monday 25th will be cancelled without warning, unless you have purchased multiple units, one being on level 7 &/or 8, and you wish to do viewings on one visit. Viewings to units on levels 9 & 10 not permitted on Monday 25th, you should refer to 'level 9 - 10 only' service to book these units.We ask that you limit attendees, outside of named buyers, to those who absolutely need to be there, eg Property Managers, window treatment consultants etc. They are to arrive in time for the start of the viewing window. Late arrivals will not be permitted entry.These viewings are not the time for buyers to hold viewings with potential tenants, viewings of this nature are to be done once you have possession of the unit.