Glorious Vision University, Ogwa, Edo State. 2024/2025 Admission List(1st & 2nd) is Out, CALL 08105444497 DR MRS FELICIA to check if name is out. For Clearance, Payment of School fee and Admission into Third and Final Batch Call DR MRS FELICIA
Glorious Vision University, Ogwa, Edo State. 2024/2025 Admission List(1st & 2nd) is Out, CALL 08105444497 DR MRS FELICIA to check if name is out. For Clearance, Payment of School fee and Admission into Third and Final Batch Call DR MRS FELICIA
Gloryland Polytechnic, Ankpa 2024/2025) ND/HND Application(08105444497) Form is still on sale to apply call (Dr Mrs FELISIA) on(08105444497), also Change Of Course Form/Change Of Institution Form
Gloryland Polytechnic, Ankpa 2024/2025) ND/HND Application(08105444497) Form is still on sale to apply call (Dr Mrs FELISIA) on(08105444497), also Change Of Course Form/Change Of Institution Form
Liebe Eltern,bitte bringen Sie zur Schulanmeldung folgende Unterlagen mit.·
Geburtsurkunde oder Familienstammbuch
Sorgerechtsbeschluss bei Alleinerziehenden
Impfnachweis (gesetzlich geregelt: Impfpflicht Masern)
an der U 9 (gelbes U- Heft)
des Gesundheitsamtes über die Teilnahme an der
schulärztlichen Untersuchung
Infoblatt des Kindergartens “Information für die Grundschule“, wenn