The party lasts 2 hours with lots of disco props, lights and classic games. Max 30 childrenDuck duck gooseFreeze danceMusical chairsBalloon races and lots moreOPTIONAL EXTRAS (£20 each)UV body paints KaraokePass the parcel
Activites below plus watch your favourite superhero on the bigscreen followed by a disco. Make green superhero slime and decorate masks before taking on our superhero bootcamp and target practice with nerf guns.All ingredients non toxic and child friendly
2 hour partyChoose 2 activities from the list below. Plus watch the bigscreen in 10 teepees followed by a disco with lots of props. Package includes footspa£150 for up to 10 children. £10 per child thereafter. Max 20.Activities ages 5-8Colour braidsGlitter tattoosScented cloud dough makingNail PolishAges 8 plus Can choose from the list above but extra choices include:Bathbomb makingFacemask making
Occasional Makeup service is designed to enhance your natural beauty and create a flawless look for your special event. We will discuss your desired look and provide customized makeup application using high-quality products.Feel beautiful and glamorous on your important day.