西區浸信會Westside Baptist Church(Sat/六)9: 15 - 11:15am (黃 1)詳情 Details:上課日期Date:Apr 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jun 7, 14, 21, Jul 26, & Aug 2時間Time :9:15 - 11:15 am地點 Venue: Room F, 西區浸信會Westside Baptist Church 8506 Ash St, Vancouver, BC V6P 3M2收費Fee : $398*信用卡付款需繳交3%手續費 3% processing fee applies for credit card payments導師簡介 Instructor:石姨姨 Ms Shek (卑詩省註冊幼兒教育老師 BC Registered Early Childhood Educator)從事學前教育工作多年,後來加入香港中文大學手語雙語共融教育計劃,透過雙語幫助聽障學生的語言發展,喜歡運用故事或繪本配合不同的活動來促進孩子的語言及認知發展。Ms Shek has been a kindergarten teacher for many years after graduation. Afterwards, she joined the Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment Education Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In this programme, she helped deaf children to develop their language in a sign bilingualism approach. She likes to facilitate children’s language and cognitive development through stories and activities.