Up to 55 MLS HDR Photos Minimum 40 Photos10-15 4K Drone Photos With Clear Indication Towards PropertyBest Suited For Homes up to 3000 SqFt24 hour Turn-around timeIncludes Blue Sky Guarantee.Price: $145
Up to 75 MLS HDR Photos Minimum 60 Photos15-20 4k drone Photos with Clear Indications towards Property6 Virtual Twilight Photos Best Suited For Homes Up 3001 - 7499 SqFt24 hour Turn-around Time for weekday Photo shoots. Includes Blue Sky Guarantee.Price: $250
Elevate your property with our 15 4k Drone photos service. Capture your listing from every angle, including stunning aerial shots that showcase your property from above.24 Hour Turn-around timePrice: $75
$15 Deposit is Required for ALL services . Please bring your frontal to me 2-3 days in advance . Bald cap will / will not be placed depending on the hairline . Please come with your hair clean ! Hey babe ! Just wanted to let you know that I do charge a $15 late fee after the 15 minute are up you get up to 30 minutes to be late after that I will have to cancel and go ahead
$15 Deposit is Required for ALL services . Please bring to me 2-3 days in advance . Bald cap will / will not be placed depending on the hairline . Please come with your hair clean !