Beaurepaire, 14 Rue de la République, 2ème Etages
Beaurepaire, 14 Rue de la République, 2ème Etages 用地图查看Corrective Physical Therapy
Our cutting-edge online rehab programming provides convenience and flexibility, allowing you to access expert guidance from the comfort of your own home. We combine the latest technology with evidence-based practices to create customized rehab plans
Dr. Mansi Vira, ND
Naturopathic and holistic medical consultant specializing in preventative health, women's health, and mental health.
The Chiropractic Doctor
We are a Chiropractic office that specializes in medical, doctor directed massage. We offer pregnancy, stress relief, reiki and deep tissue.
Hervé ESNAULT - Sophrologie & Hypnose
Je suis Sophrologue, Praticien en Hypnose et Sexothérapeute.Je vous accompagne dans votre recherche d'un meilleur équilibre dans votre vie personnelle, votre vie de couple et votre vie professionnelle. J'utilise une large palette de techniques (respi
Herzlich Willkommenauf der Internetseite zu meiner Praxis für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin in FriesoytheDa die Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin (TCM) über genügend Behandlungsmethoden verfügt, z.B. Akupunktur, Schröpfen, Tuina Ma
MHF Chiropractic
MHF Chiropractic Clinic offers professional, personalized chiropractic care in a warm and friendly setting. Our practice facilities are some of the best in Melbourne. We have modern and state-of-the-art diagnostic and treating equipment making it eas
Studio Nutrizionista Dr. Cetti
“Il corpo è un veicolo meraviglioso, molto misterioso e complesso. Usalo, non lottarci contro; aiutalo. Nell’istante in cui vai contro di lui, vai contro te stesso” – Osho RajneeshLa vita quotidiana moderna è molto diversa rispetto a quella in cui l’