3rd Eye Art Studio
3rd Eye Art Studio gives people a safe place to learn and create art, but also gives people who need it another tool to battle depression and PTSD. The studio will allow people to work with many different types of art like drawing, painting, photog
Bienvenue dans notre espace créatif, un lieu où l'expression artistique et l'apprentissage prennent vie ! Ici, vous pourrez vous plonger dans divers ateliers en session libre, à l'exception de nos initiations guidées à l'aquarelle et à la saponificat
I corsi di Abilmente
Il cucito creativo ti fa perdere la testa? O il tuo grande amore è il patchwork?Abbiamo due fantastiche novità che ti faranno impazzire ad Abilmente Vicenza dal 12 al 15 ottobre a Fiera Vicenza.Di cosa stiamo parlando?AREA CORSI di CUCITO CREATIVO&nb
Clay Creations Studio Booking
Welcome!THIS BOOKING SITE IS FOR STUDIO MEMBERS ONLY STUDIO MEMBERS can use this site to book time at the studio . You may book slots up to 1 minute before the time slot if one is available. Please do not come into the studio unless you have checked
Bei Anruf Kunst
Buchen Sie einen Künstler. Sie können sich 15 Minuten von einem Künstler am Telefon vorlesen lassen und unterstützen damit freie Künstler in der CORONA-KRISE.