交,是交會、交流、交集、交付感,是感受、情感、共感、敏感度交感身心診所是人們互動、交流感受的空間場域交感(sympathetic),是人體自律神經系統中的兩組神經系統之一在我們面對外在刺激時,交感神經能夠活化身心功能、產生戰鬥或逃跑(fight-or-flight)的反應交感身心診所提供的醫療服務,不只是改善患者的身心症狀,還會提供患者回應現實壓力的策略和行動Resonance(共振、共鳴),是 sympathetic vibration 的同義詞一個震源以某一頻率產生震動,會形成一個場域(fi
Barnetby Private Medicals
We perform drivers medicals for HGV, Taxi, Racing , Fork lift, Heavy Plant and Skydivers. We also do pre employment and visa medicals - which you need to ring for to give us your exact requirement.These are not only the appointments available and ple

Swansea Reflexology
My name is Sarah Todhunter and I am a CRM5 Dip. specialist Reproductive & Maternity Reflexologist & Baby Reflex Practitioner. With over 5 years experience in my specialist field I can offer you clinical reflexology specifically tailored
Swansea, The Natural Health Service, Pagefield House, Page Street
Swansea, The Natural Health Service, Pagefield House, Page Street 用地图查看
Clinica Smile
1) Klikk Book now!2) Velg avdeling3) Velg behandling4) Velg Tannlege5) Fyll ut skjema 6) få time bekreftelse !!
Estética Laser
Somos uma Clínica Especializada em Tratamentos Corporais e Faciais.Nossas Especialidades.Depilação Definitiva Laser Diodo In Trio para Homens e Mulheres.Criolipólise (Lipo não Invasiva) temos o melhor Equipamento do Mercado Fr
Parede , Rua 31 Janeiro Centro Comercial Aquário Loja 10 Parede
Parede , Rua 31 Janeiro Centro Comercial Aquário Loja 10 Parede 用地图查看
Elise Rouvrais Naturopathe
Naturopathe formée également en aroma, contactez-moi pour obtenir les clés d'une santé rayonnante !

Pangea Praxis
Psychologische Praxis rund um Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Elternsein - Geburtsvorbereitung, Geburtshypnose - Geburtsbegleitung, Doula-Service - Geburtsaufarbeitung - Bindungsorientierte Eltern-Baby-Therapie - Paarberatung - psychologische Beratung un

Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre, Online Booking
Welcome to the online booking website for Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre. Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre is based on the Southside of Glasgow. We offer a wide range of counselling and bodywork services. You can book sessions

Aarogyashala Advanced Ayurveda Medical Centre LLC., a tranquil sanctuary where ancient healing traditions meet modern wellness practices. Located in the heart of Dubai.we believe that true wellness comes from achieving harmony within the body, mind,
Dubai, Manazil Al Raffa-01, Mezannie Floor M03, Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai
Dubai, Manazil Al Raffa-01, Mezannie Floor M03, Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai 用地图查看