CB Physiotherapy
Specialising in Sports Injuries, Pilates and Post Operative rehabilitationPayment online by Credit/Debit card
Anne-Charlotte Vaucelle
Psychologue spécialisée dans la neurodiversitéJe propose des bilans cognitifs et des suivis pour les patients présentant un trouble du neurodéveloppement.Je propose également des suivis psychologiques en lien avec les problématiques professionnelles
Welcome to Family Doctors APPOINTMENT SERVICE WEBSITE . We strive to take care of our patients and their families. We love what we do and hope that shows. We aim to provide same day appointments.We are a fully private clinic.Dr. Eleanor G
Asalene Almeida
Master Trainer em Programação Neurolinguística Terapeuta Quântica Thetahealing e Barras de Access
Психолог Радюшкина Лилия
Психологическое консультирование и психотерапия очно и онлайн с использованием модальности Транзактный Анализ.Психология и бизнесПсихология отношенийПсихология материнства
LIT Chiropractic
At our clinic, our top priority is to help our patients regain control over their health through chiropractic care. Using our new state-of-the-art technology with gentle and specific chiropractic techniques, we correct misalignments in the spine and
We are an optical with therapeutic optometrists providing eye examinations and office visits as well as the sale of glasses and contact lenses. This is our booking website. If you do not see a time you need feel free to call our office fo
Centro de Tratamiento de la Artrosis
Tratamiento actual, específico y eficaz para aliviar el dolor y mejorar su vida.
The TRU Research Hub is a collaborative space where faculty, staff, students and members of the Kamloops community can collaborate together in a comfortable space. If bookings are required outside of the listed hours please email for accommodati