Optimum Health Screening
Optimum Health Screening offers full body private health checks at an affordable price. We focus on preventative health care, detecting any signs of illness before it’s too late, educating and guiding you towards living a longer, happier and healthie
Essential Health Check - £115 | 21 blood tests and 17 clinical checks | Cholesterol | Diabetes | Liver | Kidneys | Iron | Bone Health
Advanced Health Check - £145 | 35 different blood tests and 18 clinical checks | Blood Health | Diabetes | Liver | Heart Health | Bone Health | Iron |
Optimal Health Check - £189 | 39 different blood tests and 20 clinical checks | Blood Health | Diabetes | Liver | Heart Health | Bone Health | Iron | Thyroid | Immune Health | Inflammation | Heart Age | Heart Disease Risk
Thérapie holistique basée sur la personne dans son unicité et dans sa globalité:-Hypnose thérapeutique adultes et enfants,- Soin énergétique Lahochi-Lithothérapie-Aromathérapie
Somos un equipo de mujeres profesionales actualizadas y especializadas en nutrición materno - infanto - juvenil, trabajamos en base de programas personalizados. Apoyamos a familias en las dificultades que puedan surgir en los procesos de
Buteyko Breathing Centre UK
The Buteyko Breathing Centre is the oldest established Buteyko practice in the UK. Experienced, professionally indemnified, first aid qualified and Disclosure & Barring Service-checked. Let us teach you, safely and effectively, to normalise your brea
Благотворительный фонд ПБЖ "Ника"
Программа "Умная забота" – проект по бесплатной и льготной стерилизации фонда помощи бездомным животным "Ника"Стерилизация животных проводится бесплатно, строго по предварительной записи! Оплата работы персонала и расходных материалов осуществляется
Nutricionista Deportiva Eugenia Conte
Hola soy Eugenia ConteLicenciada en Nutrición/Instructora de YogaEspecialista en Nutrición Deportiva, Estética Corporal y Salud/Estudiante y Practicante de BudismoTe ayudo a modificar tu composición corporal,