Blue Mountains Alexander Technique
Alexander Technique lessons provide learners with resilience, in-depth body knowledge & awareness and the tools to overcome destructive unconscious habits. Learners train their awareness skills to trigger whole body mind integration in activities
Agenda Viva Melhor
Este é o sistema de agendamento da Plataforma Viva Melhor. Selecione seu atendimento de acordo com a sua localidade ou com a sua BU.
São Paulo, Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1069 - Conjuntos 71 e 144
São Paulo, Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1069 - Conjuntos 71 e 144 用地图查看Audrey Gueho
Psychopraticienne, je vous accompagne dans vos difficultés du quotidien afin de vous en libérer, dans le confort de votre domicile
Thérapie holistique basée sur la personne dans son unicité et dans sa globalité:-Hypnose thérapeutique adultes et enfants,- Soin énergétique Lahochi-Lithothérapie-Aromathérapie
Buteyko Breathing Centre UK
The Buteyko Breathing Centre is the oldest established Buteyko practice in the UK. Experienced, professionally indemnified, first aid qualified and Disclosure & Barring Service-checked. Let us teach you, safely and effectively, to normalise your brea