A.Xaelia Esoteric
Welcome to A.Xaelia Esoteric! We offer an ever-expanding array of metaphysical services, classes, and products.Reiki • Runes • Tarot • Palm • Pendulum • Astrology • Crystal Healing • Custom Spells • and more+ Events • Parties • Groups
Médium, Énergéticienne et Hypnothérapeute j'ai à cœur de vous accompagner selon vos besoins.
Chakra Energy Life
I Am committed to helping you achieve optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being through the power of your chakras. I offer remote viewing, telepathic clairvoyance, and divine wisdom to assist with ancestral healing. Through my connection
"O Centro Cultural Casa de Axé Ogunsina é um fomentador da filosofia de Ifa e da cultura Yoruba como também um santuário dedicado à sabedoria ancestral, onde a tradição de Ifá e o culto aos Orixás são vividos e compartilhados. Dedicado à orientação e
光之療癒師|Akasha Angels Channel
光之療癒師 | Akasha Angels Channel提供以下服務:👼 英國天使靈氣療癒服務天使在靈魂層為人類服務,修復各層靈體包括乙太體、情緒體、星光體、靈性體等,療癒效益回應到身體、心理、精神和靈性的各層面,具體感受到豐盛的愛、力量和喜悅。🦄 獨角獸靈氣脈輪淨化服務獨角獸靈氣清純且喜悅,協助淨化脈輪、聖物、空間、場域等,此外召喚獨角獸顯化願望光球,啟動內在的創意,淨化和提升震動頻率。🧙♂️ 宇宙阿卡西紀錄諮詢服
您好!歡迎來到菩提心療癒工房。這裡是個無批判偏見、尊重各宗教信仰、性向等,充滿祝福及溫暖的療癒空間。以親民的價格讓每個人都有改變的機會,現可透過此系統進行預約服務。本工房嚴禁吸煙 & LGBTQ友善空間確認您的預約訊息後,我們將盡快回覆您。如與希望預約時間有任何衝突或異動,將另行聯絡。為保護個案隱私,服務過程將會進行錄影錄音(不公開)。若對預約方式或服務內容、商品有任何疑問,歡迎與我們聯絡,感謝。
The Soul Boutique
Human Design is a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, and Quantum Physics. YourYourYour Chart is calculated using your birth date, time, & place to reveal your genetic d
Aurorra Divine
Aurorra Divine is a 200hr Certified Yoga Instructor by New World Wellness trained in Yoga, Guided Meditations, Spiritual Coaching, and Chakra Yoga Aurorra Divine was certified as Master Level Reiki Practitioner in 2018. Aurorra has helped many of h
Verkehrstechnisch wunderbar angebunden liegt der ARTORT in der Mitte der Pilgramgasse, im 5. Bezirk in Wien. Diese zwischen Naschmarkt und Schlossquadrat liegende, bunte Ecke lädt herzlich zur Entfaltung aller kreativen Fähigkeiten. Durch den Inne
Almactiva - Professional Cuddler
Professional Cuddling is a form of therapy that combines the healing power of platonic touch and companionship to help you feel at ease in the space and open up about your feelings or worries. My name is Allison and, as a Professional Cuddl