Reiki Magie
Hol Dir Reiki in Dein Leben - und lebe bunter, selbstbestimmter und glücklicher. Es ist ein bisschen wie Magie!
Golden and Free - Nichole's Cosmic Cove
Welcome to the Golden and Free/ Nichole's Cosmic Cove booking website. Here you can find all the services that I provide, choose from available time slots, book an appointment and be reminded before your appointment starts. If you have questions abo
Steve Patterson, Wind and Raven
One-to-one participation in whatever life presents. Sessions are typically one hour, but, regardless of the content, the conversations to take a conscious look at what you are creating with the energy at your disposal. Single sessions or more, we wil
Virgo Esoterics
✨ Welcome to the Esoteric World of Ny Virgo ✨ Currently providing services for numerology readings, hoodoo candles, and meditation services only!
グレンダと英語レッスンをしましょう! 英語レッスンについて 出来るレッスンスタイルは: 文法会話 ビジネス 仕事関係 その他(翻訳など)レッスンは全体英語で進みます。日本語を使えません。もし分からないところはあれば、まず簡単に英語で説明します。 でもそのあともしまだ分からないので、もしよければ、その時だけ日本語の説明はできます。 値段について: 1 x 1時間 = ¥20003 x 1時間 = ¥5000キャンセルの場合は2時間前教えてください!もしきちんとにキャンセルをしなくて私は一緒に
Literary Chaplaincy
Welcome to Literary Chaplaincy, where spiritual services meet the power of literature. We are based in Medford and provide a variety of services to help you find peace and inspiration in your daily life. Whether you are looking for a one-time session
SubUrban Tarot
Insightful, Consultative Tarot reading for the purpose of gaining insight to current situations, starting a conversation with your subconscious or just setting your focus for your day, Month or the year ahead. Tarot is used to discover who you
Everyone that lives on this planet has a Soul. Everyone has a box inside them where they put all the pain, trauma, discomfort, and other things that they cannot deal with. Over time, all the negative things inside your box will leak out i
HEAL - Healing Energy And Learning
At HEAL - Healing Energy And Learning we use the HEAL Technique® which specializes in neutralizing energetic patterns that slow you down and create dis-ease in all of the brain wave states. A few questions and answers based on your body's responses
Aurélie Hameau - Énergéticienne quantique intuitive
Clairvoyante et médium, formée à différentes techniques de soin énergétique, en géobiologie et à la psychogénéalogie transgénérationnelle, j'accompagne toutes âmes lors de séance énergétique quantique vers un mieux être et une prise de conscience de