Kundalini Rising Intuitive Advisement
Kundalini Rising Intuitive Advisement offers a blend of Intuitive Coaching, Tarot, and Counseling all in one. I offer guidance during difficult transitional times during one's life and effective problem solving solutions that will meet both the spiri
Cindy Weber
心理谘询所 Motosports 专业谘询顾问 心理咨询 专业摄影 中医推拿
Cindy Weber is a gentle soul with many Psychic and Healing talents that she puts to good use to help others. In 2015, She earned the title of Certified Psychic, Spiritual Medium, and Master Channeler. In 2016, became a Certified Hypnotherapist. From
Guardian Angels Healing Arts Center
Services offered: John of God Crystal Healing Bed from Brazil, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Ama Deus, Bio-Mat Infrared Therapy, Bioacoustic Mat Therapy. Call or text: (315)727-3254

Hollows Tarot
Welcome! Here you can book a reading with me or multiple! I offer many different readings from past lives to numerology/astrology. (Deposits are refunded to those who follow through with booking and don't cancel.) Looking forward to connecting

Moon Prism Tarot
My 1-on-1 readings are meant to illuminate the hidden aspects of your self and shine a light on your path to understanding. my approach is straight forward and meant to inspire courageous action and introspective thought.For centuries, Tarot's rich s
Fr. Paul Guirgis
Please review the following instructions BEFORE booking: Please book only one appointment at a time.Appointments are 15 minutes in length.For over the phone appointments, please make sure you submit the phone number you'd like to be contacted at for