Sports Doctor


Total Massage

中医推拿 Massage Sports Doctor

Total Massage: Your Partner in Wellness and Performance Located in the heart of Manchester at 49 Piccadilly, Total Massage is dedicated to enhancing your health and well-being through personalised massage and sports therapy services. Our experienced

Sports Therapy- MSK assessment, Treatment, and Exercise Advice

1小时 30分钟

Follow-up Sports Therapy and Exercise Plan Revision

1小时 30分钟

Outlaw Athlete Therapy

Massage Sports Doctor

Outlaw Athlete Therapy is your destination for Sports Therapy and Massage Performance services, designed for those living an active lifestyle. Our mission is to make recovery services accessible and affordable, promoting a balanced approach without u

Location icon

East Kilbride, 14 Stroud Road, East Kilbride Business Centre, Room 56, 1st Floor

East Kilbride, 14 Stroud Road, East Kilbride Business Centre, Room 56, 1st Floor 用地图查看

sports therapy initial assessment


Osteopatia Postura Riabilitazione Milano - Dott. Guglielmo Damiani

Sports Doctor

Master lv. 7 quinquennale in medicina osteopatica, il Dott. Damiani, Osteopata a Milano, è laureato in Medicina Osteopatica presso la Buckinghamshire New UniversityProfessore ordinario alla Kern School: Scuola di Fisioterapia MCB&

Location icon

Milano, 84, Viale Abruzzi, Buenos Aires - Venezia, Municipio 3, Milano, Lombardia, 20131, Italia

Milano, 84, Viale Abruzzi, Buenos Aires - Venezia, Municipio 3, Milano, Lombardia, 20131, Italia 用地图查看

Visita Posturale Osteopatica (60€)


Juha Reynders

私人健身教练 Massage Sports Doctor

Ik ben Juha Reynders. Ik ben een enthousiast, sportief persoon en gediplomeerd als Personal trainer & sportverzorger. Van kleins af aan ben ik geïnteresseerd in sporten en in het bijleren over het menselijk lichaam. Daarom ga ik vanaf nu mijn kenn




健身课程 耳鼻喉科 Sports Doctor

We help Athletes and Injured personal heal their injuries, as well as optimize their health and performance.

Rehabilitation Review


Dott. M. Giaccio | Chinesiologo - Posturologo - Massoterapista MCB

Sports Doctor 私人健身教练

RISOLVI IL DOLORE-MUOVITI MEGLIO-MUOVITI BENECentro per il trattamento di disturbi muscolari-articolari e allenamenti personalizzati con Personal Trainer (LIVE presso lo studio o ON LINE dove vuoi).Trattamenti chinesiologici per disturbi legati a dol

1° Appuntamento Terapia Posturale - LIVE

1小时 15分钟

1° Appuntamento Terapia Posturale - ONLINE



中医推拿 Massage Sports Doctor

Ciao sono Mattia,Il tuo Osteopata a Milano. Il mio lavoro, unito alla tua costanza ci permetterà di risolvere i tuoi dolori e metterti nella forma fisica migliore per poter affrontare qualsiasi attività ti venga in mente.Ci vediamo in studio!Ost


20,00 €

Fellside Physiotherapy

Sports Doctor

Dual qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist and Sports massage therapist, Emma at Fellside Physiotherapy specialises in Sporting Injuries, Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and Poly-trauma recovery.We provide a high quality service with all clinics

Location icon

Wigton, The Health Collective, 43-45 High Street

Wigton, The Health Collective, 43-45 High Street 用地图查看

