My empathic psychic ability became obvious to me in 1975, through taking The Silva Method. I began with psychometry: holding the object of a person and ‘reading’ them energetically. I quickly graduated to holding people’s hands, whereby who they are pours into me – I experience you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You will feel both energized and at peace through our connecting in this way.If possible, please bring me photos of anyone you’re inquiring about: I need to see their eyes (no dark glasses). This is helpful but not necessary. Also photos of beloved animal companions, past and present, if important to you. Many times they show themselves to me as soon as I hold your hands (without pictures).I trained with Roland Moore, long-time president of the American Society of Dowsers, in the nineties.I incorporate tarot, runes, reiki, dowsing, and our connection with Nature in my readings. (Be aware of what birds or animals interact with you during the days before our appointment. This has significance.)I do energetic “house-cleaning”, and can teach you how to do so. In all my work, I effort to live by the words of Lao Tsu: “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” God bless you!Fees:$55 for 1/2 hour. $100 for 1 hour reading.Barbara reads in the Freeport store on Sundays 12-4pm and Mondays from 11am-5pm