Escape rooms


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1h 30m
300,00 Kč

Galloway Station Museum & Travel Centre

Escape rooms

TRAPPED! IN PLANE SIGHT.Another Galloway Station Museum Escape RoomSeriously, who gets locked in a museum exhibit? Well, apparently you and your friends do... and you only have 45 minutes to find a way out before you are locked in the Galloway Statio

Escape Room - Group Booking


La Grande Fuga

Escape rooms

Escape Room a Trieste

Location icon

Trieste, Via della Scalinata 1/A

Trieste, Via della Scalinata 1/A Show on map

La Grande Fuga



Escape rooms Legal services

O objectivo dos serviços HYDROKLIN consiste em reduzir despesas de manutenção não programada do motor, reprovações nas inspecções obrigatórias, e ainda restaurar a eficiência do seu veículo. O serviço HYDROKLIN é conveniente porque vamos até si.

Standard PRT


Escape City

Escape rooms

Escape room all’aperto

Operazione Mindfall per 2 persone - FI

1h 30m
60,00 €

Operazione Mindfall per 3 persone - FI

1h 30m
75,00 €

Operazione Mindfall per 4 persone - FI

1h 30m
80,00 €


Escape rooms

Escape room Huisnummer 20


Location icon

Laško, Laško, Valvasorjev trg,

Laško, Laško, Valvasorjev trg, Show on map

Escape Room Enigmarium Laško


disappear 1919 - escape room

Escape rooms

Nachdem wir 94 Besuchsgruppen empfangen haben, schliessen wir die Türen unserer Kellerräume endgültig. Das Geheimnis um den verschwundenen Lehrer konnten nicht ganz alle Gruppen lüften, dennoch hat gut die Hälfte der Gruppen das Rätsel innert einer S

Location icon

Andelfingen, Sekundarschule Andelfingen, Bodenwiesstrasse 4

Andelfingen, Sekundarschule Andelfingen, Bodenwiesstrasse 4 Show on map

für 2-5 Erwachsene einen Termin im escape room buchen (40.- CHF)


Für eine Familie einen Termin im escape room buchen (30.- CHF)


Für 2 - 5 Jugendliche (Sek) einen Termin im escape room buchen (20.- CHF)


Mystic Red Room

Escape rooms

Добре Дошли в единствената по рода си Стая за бягства, посветена на култовия ТВ Сериал Туин Пийкс! Елате да се потопите в неповторимата й сюрреалистична атмосфера и ако ви стиска, ще премерите сили с Добрите и Лошите Духове в Мистичната Червена Стая,

Mystic Red Room
