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Personality & Brain Research


 If you say yes to any one of the questions below, we invite you to participate in our study. You will complete tasks and questionnaires on a computer and have your brainwaves recorded at the same time. You will then be interviewed.Are you

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Dunedin, 95 Union Street East, North Dunedin

Dunedin, 95 Union Street East, North Dunedin Show on map

Personality & Brain Research


Guildford Ergonomics


Desk Assessments - Helping you to work comfortablyWe have been asked by your employer to carry out a desk or 'DSE' assessment for you. This is a standard requirement for office-based work and the aim is to make sure that your workstation (desk,

Desk assessment




请下滑获得详细信息↓STEP 1 预约实验本实验现阶段女生被试已经满额欢迎您持续关注本研究团队,参与未来学期的实验实验地点:复旦大学邯郸校区遗传学楼317实验时间:目前系统开放至5/10的预约温馨提示:本次实验招募对象为各高校在读大学生,不建议有心脏病、高血压、色觉障碍以及易晕车人群参与,但不要求您拥有驾驶经验。我们将在预约和实验中与您确认此信息,如果您不符合条件,请勿预约,感谢您的配合。STEP 2 回到首页扫码入群请加入本次实验招募群与我们取得联系为了您的流畅体验,我们建议您先完成预约后回到



Dr. Shannon Dobson, Department Chair of the NGU Dept. of Psyc


Welcome to the appointment site for Dr. Dobson.Faculty will be on campus starting Aug 16th, 2022.if you make an appointment with me, please let me know via a separate email if you want to meet virtually as I will assume you plan to come to my office.

Class assistance/office hours/Advisement


Perelman School of Medicine


Financial Aid OfficeJean - 215-898-9118Mike - 215-573-3423Jeff's one-on-one meetings will take place in JMEC from April 29th - May 3rd:Monday - Study Room OTuesday - Study Room OWednesday - Study Room AThursday - 5-104 (fishbowl conference room near

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Philadelphia, 3400 Civic Center Blvd., Jordan Medical Education Center

Philadelphia, 3400 Civic Center Blvd., Jordan Medical Education Center Show on map

Jeff Hanson


MSt Construction Engineering


The lack of diversity in the Construction Industry has been well documented and broadly recognised by the industry itself. While the lack of women is evident in the industry, the lack of Black women is even more obvious. The slow rate of improvement

30-60 min interview


SFSU Dietetics and Nutrition


Use this site to make appointments with the Director of San Francisco State University's Didactic Program in Dietetics. This website contains accessibility barriers to students with disabilities. If you are having difficulty in using this websi

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San Francisco, 1600 Holloway Ave, BH 301

San Francisco, 1600 Holloway Ave, BH 301 Show on map

General Advising- Face to Face Appointment


MASSAVIE - Doctorante


Je suis doctorante à l'université de Toulouse, je travaille actuellement sur le parcours et l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes en filière CAP et bac pro de la famille de "métiers de la relation client". Par cet entretien vous serez invité.e à par


1h 30m

USF Security


New ID cards are available for all faculty, staff, and students. Just pick a 30 minute window below and sign-up. You will need to come to the new building, at the corner of Bass and Lindenwood, across the street from the fire department

New ID Card


Reconfiguring Women's Professional Sport: On and Off the Field


The purpose of this site is to help researchers and our informants find times that are mutually convenient to schedule interviews for our research project.

Research interview - Super W player
