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Find the service you need in the location you want. Let help you to find your local service business, a hair salon, a medical clinic or a personal consultant. Book your appointment, sync it to your calendar, and get a reminder beforehand. Now, that´s what we call convenience!

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events_and_entertainment category

Events and entertainment

Do you want to do something fun for the weekend? Maybe challenge your brain with an escape game, play a warrior in laser tag or go to a local art event? Check out what kind of activities and entertainment are being offered near you and book your spot!

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sport category


Get active, get healthy, get in shape. Find your sports or fitness center here. Classes, team sports or personal trainers for all of your sporting and fitness needs. Whether you're keeping healthy or training for an event, search your requirements below. Find what your looking for, schedule an appointment, and add it your calendar.

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officials category

Business Services

Make an appointment with your local counselor, overseas ambassador or your city council for that final building permit. Or, do you perhaps need a financial adviser or legal assistance? Search for the service you need, schedule an appointment and get a reminder beforehand´s as easy as that!

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beauty_and_wellness category

Beauty and wellness

Whatever your beauty needs, find your local practitioner here. From haircuts to fillers, facials to waxing, find a hair or beauty salon that suits you. Narrow down your search with the categories below. Find what your looking for, book online, and add it your calendar.

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personal_meetings_and_services category

Personal meetings and services

Seeking professional advice or personal guidance is a great idea when you need that little bit of extra help. From financial planning and legal services, to spiritual guidance and life coaching, there's a professional advisor for your needs. Find what your looking for, book online, and add it your calendar.

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education category


Knowledge is power, so educate yourself to become personally and professionally powerful. Whether you want to excel at a hobby, change your career, learn a new language or stand out from your colleagues, find your course or educator here. Search what your looking for, book online, and add it your calendar.

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medical category


Your health is important, so find the correct medical practioner or health centre nearby. A dermatologist for that irritating rash, a GP for your troublesome cough, or a physiotherapist for that sports injury. Find what your looking for, book online, and add it your calendar.

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supermarkets category


Are you tired of standing in waiting lines in front of your favourite supermarket? Click below to search for your local supermarket, book an arrival time and receive an online ticket. Arrive at the scheduled time, display your ticket to the doorman and in you go. No fuss, no waiting, it´s as easy as that!

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Increase your online visibility and attract new clients by listing your business on Being listed is 100% free of charge and doesnt charge any commission from bookings. We´ll help you to attract and engage new customers and provide you with scheduling software you and your clients will love