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8 h Power Deutsch
12 h Deutsch Intensiv
Coach Julia’s Private Lessons
Private lessons in Gymnastics or Cheerleading for any age or skill level! Pricing depends upon length of private lesson - $5 gym fee for members, $10 gym fee for non-members.
30 min private
45 min private
1 hour private (upon approval)
The Blue Room
If not a registered user, phone to make appointmentOnline appointments can be made for Full Groom and for Wash & Blow dry
Full Groom - Small Dog
Brushing/ De-shed 30 minutes
Brushing/ De-shed 1 hour
Parramatta Light Rail - Property Surveys
The $2.4 billion Parramatta Light Rail will connect Westmead to Carlingford via the Parramatta CBD and Camellia, transporting around 28,000 people every day to key destinations, new communities and essential services. It is expected to open in 2023.