Alternative medicine




House icon Getting A Medical

Location icon 140 High Street, Getting A Medical
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Health Boost Clinic

Alternative medicine Facial Treatments

Health Boost Clinic is dedicated to enhancing wellness through a range of specialised treatments, including vitamin injections, IV drips, skin boosters, microneedling, fat-dissolving injections, and cupping therapy. Our services are designed to rejuv

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Corner Hall, King Edward Street

Corner Hall, King Edward Street Show on map

Vitamin D - 600,000iu with K Injection


Vitamin B Complex Injection


Vitamin B 12 Injection


Elise Rouvrais Naturopathe

Alternative medicine

Naturopathe formée également en aroma, contactez-moi pour obtenir les clés d'une santé rayonnante !

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Montpellier, Rue des Gélinottes, 8

Montpellier, Rue des Gélinottes, 8 Show on map

En visio - Consultation de suivi - 80€

80,00 €

Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre, Online Booking

Alternative medicine

Welcome to the online booking website for Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre. Southside Counselling and Therapy Centre is based on the Southside of Glasgow. We offer a wide range of counselling and  bodywork services. You can book sessions

Acupuncture 45 minute follow up appointment



Alternative medicine

Aarogyashala Advanced Ayurveda Medical Centre LLC., a tranquil sanctuary where ancient healing traditions meet modern wellness practices. Located in the heart of Dubai.we believe that true wellness comes from achieving harmony within the body, mind,

Location icon

Dubai, Manazil Al Raffa-01, Mezannie Floor M03, Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai

Dubai, Manazil Al Raffa-01, Mezannie Floor M03, Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai Show on map



Abhyangam with Potli

1ساعة 30دقيقة

Dhanyamladhara with Kizhi


Obelion Zaragoza

Alternative medicine Sports Doctor

Clínica de fisioterapia y bienestar. Especialistas en ecografía, fisioterapia invasiva, suelo pélvico y fisioterapia de la mujer.

Sesión de fisioterapia

51,00 € - Hypnosepraxis Baden

Alternative medicine

Wir stellen uns vor Hypnose ist nicht gleich Hypnose. Unsere Hypnosetherapie OMNI nach Gerald Kein ist sehr effizient und ursachenorientiert. Gerald Kein lernte die Hypnose seit Kindheit und hat sie in all den Jahren kontinuierlich ver

Erste Hypnosesitzung 2.5 Stunden

2ساعة 30دقيقة

Erste Hypnosesitzung 2 Stunden


Erste Hypnosesitzung 3 Stunden


Paul's Place of Classical Chinese Medicine

Alternative medicine

RESTORING HEALTH & VITALITYPaul's Place of Classical Chinese Medicine - Derby -  Providing quality Chinese Medical Diagnosis & Treatment to assist you in attaining your wellness goals. Don't Put Up With Suffering You don't

Safeguarding the Constitution - Managing Chronic Illness

1ساعة 30دقيقة

Derby Community Acupuncture


Chinese Medicine Online

1ساعة 30دقيقة

Reynolda Duret

Alternative medicine

Prise de RDV en Ligne: ChronoNutriDiet et Chrononutrition, Médecine chinoise/ Acupuncture, Bioénergie, Hypnothérapie, PsyCoaching.

Diététique _ 1er RDV (97€)

1ساعة 30دقيقة

Diététique _ Suivi 30 minutes (50€)


Hypnose Antalgique (80€)


Rimini Essen Injury Clinic & Rehabilitation

Alternative medicine Massage

Rimini Draper is a graduate of The University of Hull with a degree in Bsc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation based in Brandesburton, East Yorkshire. Rimini founded the clinic in 2019 having gained valuable experience from working alongside numerous physiot

Location icon

Brandesburton, Unit 1, Starcarr Lane

Brandesburton, Unit 1, Starcarr Lane Show on map

Initial Assessment and Treatment


Combination Therapy Single Area


Combination Therapy Back, Neck & Shoulders


Beilby Health

Alternative medicine

Retired GP Michael Beilby has recently opened his own clinic in Manly close to the Ferry Terminal. Michael specialises in medical bioresonance, homeopathy and TCM using computer systems developed in the USA, Germany and Russia. These systems offer de

Consult 60


Consult 40


Consult 30
