La tite roulotte
Je suis voyante - tarologue J'accompagne tous les jours mes clients dans leurs questionnements de vie. Travail, argent, famille, sentiments, je suis votre voyante. Je suis là pour vous aider. J'utilise le pouvoir des guides, le tarot et les oracles
Voyance - développement personnel- mon suivi mensuel
Voyance - développement personnel - peurs et blocages
Matt Connarton
Are you searching for a seasoned and highly skilled hypnotherapist to help you achieve your personal and professional goals? Look no further! I have over 20 years of experience in the field of hypnosis, and I'm here to guide you on a transformative j
Free Consultation
Group Sessions and Business Events
Oller Edu Company
Every teacher needs a great coach, not by accident, but by design. I’m here in your corner, to inspire professional growth and results. Book your coaching and consulting time with Dr. Oller.
Kate North Kinesiology
Kate is an internationally qualified kinesiologist specialising in the connection between mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. Kate works online (via Zoom) and in-person from her treatment room in Nottingham. She com
Well-being (Clinic)
Well-being (Online)
Coaching & Mentoring for Kinesiologists
Ateliers de cuisine marocaine
Venez découvrir les secrets de la cuisine marocaine. Informations pratiques: - Lieu: Meyrin - Prix: CHF 75.-/personne (cours et matériel inclus) - 4 personnes max
Ateliers de cuisine marocaine la semaine (lundi ou mardi ou mercredi).
Echoes by The Empath Store
Echoes is an empathic support service, which offers empathic listening and texting. Here, you can book a session with one of our Empathic Support Professionals!
The Mini
The Full Course
The Whole Spread
Matte&Stuhl - Raum für Stressbewältigung, Achtsamkeit und Seelenwachstum
MBSR 8 Wochen Kurs und Coaching für Frauen in der Lebensmitte. Du lernst, leichter mit Stress und den Herausforderungen des Lebens umzugehen.
MBSR Infoabend kostenfrei - hybrid (in Präsenz und online)
MBSR 8 Wochen Kurse in Präsenz oder online
Coaching für Frauen in der Lebensmitte - Erstgespräch (kostenlos)
Reliance Sacrée
Une invitation à se reconnecter avec soi, se relier à son corps, à son cœur, à son âme et à la Source ... à vous rencontrer avec vous-même afin de trouver un sens plus profond à sa vie et à se connecter à plus grand que soi. C'est un
Razel Jones Consulting
Offering consulting services for individuals, couples, groups and teams for personal and professional development. With certifications and credentials in cultural intelligence, human resources, strengths, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and pro
Strengths 1-1 Consultation (virtual)
Strengths for 2 Consultation (virtual)
Cultural Intelligence 1-1 Consultation (virtual)
J&M Baseball Academy
With baseball participation and engagement at alarmingly low rates in Plymouth, the mission of the J&M Baseball Academy is to create a welcoming program for baseball’s current and future baseball stars. Through conventional coaching from former prof