LCI Barcelona
LCI Barcelona posa a la disposició de tots els estudiants un servei de suport per a casos amb necessitats específiques per al bon desenvolupament d'aprenentatge o dificultats que requereixin suport durant el curs ja siguin individuals com a
Reynolds School District Instructional Coaching Team
Coaching Educational events Coaching Language Courses Interview scheduling
We offer support with implementation and refinement of instructional initiatives through training, collaborative problem-solving, and collaborative innovation.Please select from our service options and follow prompts to schedule an initial meeting&nb
Linda Rodriguez Piano Studio
SUMMER 2019 PIANO LESSONSAll students are required a minimum of 6 lessons over the summer in order to hold your place in the studio for the fall term. It is absolutely OK to set up more than one lesson in a week in order to meet the 6
Islamic Family Institute
At IFI, we strive to help Muslim families living in the Western countries to prevent and solve family problems. That is why we offer education in Islam and Islamic Psychology as well as Islamic family, parenting, and marital counselling We also t
Alisa Rose Online Sign up for Summer Violin Lessons
Use this to sign up for lessons for July and August!In September I will set a regular schedule again. If you don't see a time that works for you please contact me and I'll try to accommodate your schedule! You can pay per lesson or by month in the
Дефектолог Кира
Проведение занятий с детьми с различными нарушениями развития (РАС, СДВГ, ЗПР) в целях подготовки к социально-бытовой жизни и к школе.