Linden, 520 East Saint Georges Ave, (Inside PARAGON ATHLETIC CLUB)
Linden, 520 East Saint Georges Ave, (Inside PARAGON ATHLETIC CLUB) Show on mapSPARQ Team Training
PRO STYLE EXPLOSIVE 45 MINUTE INTENSIVE TRAINING! Interval sessions focussing on sport specific movements covering all bases to create a fitter faster more dominant athleteCurrently for juniors (8-12yrs)Coming soon high school (13-18yrs)Train Ag
Sydney, Unit 4, 26 William St , Brookvale
Sydney, Unit 4, 26 William St , BrookvaleSydney, Unit 4, 26 William St , Brookvale
Show on mapUnit 10/25 Frenchs Forest Rd East, Located inside Frenchs Forest Biz Park, 2086, Frenchs Forest
Show on mapPlyometrics and Jump Mechanics Mon (8-13yrs)
Plyometrics and Jump Mechanics Tues (high school)
Plyometrics and Jump Mechanics Thurs (8-12yrs)
Te Ao Mana
***ATTENTION: Te Ao Mana has paused classes until further notice for creation of new production and planning of Heiva Pasifika NYC Mauruuru roa for understanding*** Ao Mana is a cultural organization based in New York.
Hybrid 'Ori Tahiti and Hula Open Level
'Ori Tahiti Fundamentals Workshop (Beginners)
BUF Personal Training & Fitness Classes
Our mission at BUF is to help all of our clients reach their full potential and get into the best shape of their lives. Period.

Red Dragon Martial Arts Center and Fortress Fitness Kickboxing class reservation system.