Body Kalm
Body KalmWhere Busy Londoners Unlock Ultimate Calm and BeautyRated the best by hundreds of clients: Isn’t it time you experienced ultimate calm and beauty too? From desk to de-stress, book your transformative massage, quick-yet-professional wax, or g
London, Bayley Street, 11-13, Numa Bloomsbury London
London, Bayley Street, 11-13, Numa Bloomsbury London Show on mapFull Leg &Brazilian Wax
Half Leg & Brazilian Wax

Dream Skin
Dream Skin ist ein Studio, das auf Laserhaarentfernung spezialisiert ist.Hier arbeiten wir mit Soprano Titanium - Special Edition. Es ist ein Gerät der drei Wellen enthällt, d.h., egal wie dünn oder dick die Haare sind, sie werden verschwinden!

Morena Sugaring
モレーナは、日本で初めてシュガーリングを専門的にご提供している女性専門サロンです。シュガーリングの安全性により妊婦さんを得意とし、赤ちゃん・お子様連れのお客様も歓迎しています。完全ご予約制のプライベートなお時間をご用意し、一人の施術者が心を込めてサービスいたします。サロンへのアクセス~小田急線各駅停車 新宿~8分 東北沢駅から徒歩30秒~~井の頭線各駅停車 渋谷~5分 池の上駅から徒歩10分~東北沢駅からのアクセス東北沢駅東口改札を出て、ローソンと駐車場の間の道を進んでください。ピンクの建物1F
《通常》ブラジリアン VIO + CLAYCARE / Brazilian + CLAYCARE
《通常》ブラジリアンVIOシュガーリング / Brazilian sugar
《ヒップケアセット》 VIO & ヒップ + CLAYCARE / Brazilian & Butt Sugaring + CLAYCARE
Hair treatments Coaching Dermatologist Hair Removal
Welcome, I am a Professional Image Consulatant, Master Keratin Artist, and Color specialist who specializes in Multicultural fabulous healthy hair. I have been in this business for over 15 years perfecting my craft. I was a product educator and plat
Memphis, Salon Three 2 1, 4945 American Way #5
Memphis, Salon Three 2 1, 4945 American Way #5 Show on mapStudio Ana Carolina
Bem-vindo ao Studio Ana Carolina, um lugar onde o seu olhar é de extrema importância. Sobrancelhas e cílios bem feitos é o seu cartão de visita.
Maia , Av.visconde de barreiros lote 36, 1andar loja 18, Av.Visconde de Barreiros Lote 36,1B
Maia , Av.visconde de barreiros lote 36, 1andar loja 18, Av.Visconde de Barreiros Lote 36,1BMaia , Av.visconde de barreiros lote 36, 1andar loja 18, Av.Visconde de Barreiros Lote 36,1B
Show on mapRua Antero de figueiredo N153, 4785-284, Trora
Show on mapMicroblading Reforço após 1 ano
Aplicação Pestanas
Manutenção de Pestanas

LaBelle Esthetic Center
Hair Removal Facial Treatments
Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner für dauerhafte Haarentfernung, Faltenbehandlung, Hautverjüngung & -straffung, Narbenbehandlung und die Entfernung von Dehnungs- & Schwangerschaftsstreifen. Für Ihr Wohlfühlen bieten wir außerdem Massage sowie Haarstyling
PAKET "SOMMER" (Achseln & Bikini Brazil) - € 239
PAKET "GANZKÖRPER" (Vom Gesicht bis zum Fuß) - € 729
PAKET "BEST BODY" (Vom Gesicht bis zum Fuß, außer Hals & Nacken) - € 679

Chic Beauty by Cristina Tagua
Eyebrows and eyelashes Facial Treatments Hair Removal Body Treatments
Chic Beauty es un gabinete de Estética Integral y Bienestar ubicado en un pueblo del aljarafe sevillano, llamado Salteras.Nuestra filosofía se basa en realzar la belleza elegante y natural de cada persona, potenciándola de dentro hacia afuera a tra
Depilación con hilo en bozo
Depilación con hilo en zona facial a elegir (orejas, mejillas, cuello, mentón, frente, perfilar barba...)

Beauty Mix
Facial Treatments Hair Removal Eyebrows and eyelashes
Beauty Mix 至今已營運超過15年,我們的成功之道在於顧客的信賴。因深明箇中道理,務求為客人提供最優質最專業的美容服務;因此,我們為每位客戶提供細膩貼心的服務,照顧每一位顧客需要。憑這種以客為尊的服務態度,我們才得以確立起雄厚的客戶基礎。 Beauty Mix 著重提供以「個人需求、度身訂造」的美容服務,當中包括:美睫、角蛋白、睫毛增長、日式睫毛、808激光脫毛、HIFU提拉、去眼袋、溶脂減肥療程、淋巴排毒、面部毛囊清潔、去黑頭粉刺等多項美容項目以配合不同客
三角比堅尼 Biniki
上/下身 Upper/Lower Body
上/下腿 Upper/Lower Legs
Prieto MedSpa
Body Treatments Facial Treatments Dermatologist Spa Makeup Coaching Spiritual services Plastic Surgeon Gyms Equipment rental Art classes Hair treatments Massage Hair Removal Business Advisory
We are a Beauty and Wellness Center.Offering a range of services that enhance your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
WAX- Half Arm
WAX -Full Arm
WAX- Underarm

AStar Brows & Lashes
Eyebrows and eyelashes Hair Removal
AStar Brows and Lashes provides some of the best Eyebrow and Eyelash treatment in Curaçao! Shine bright on the in- and outside at AStar Studio.