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Diane Briol Naturopathe
« La santé est notre héritage, notre droit. C’est l’union parfaite entre l’âme, l’esprit et le corps ; il ne s’agit pas d’un idéal éloigné et difficile à atteindre, mais d’un idéal si simple et si naturel qu’il échappe à beaucoup d’entre nous.» E
April Hickerson
April Hickerson, the founder of The Counseling Center, has been a clinical therapist practicing in Delaware since the 1995. Her philosophy has always been meeting the person "where they are"-working with the entire family to provide optimal results.
¡Bienvenida!Si estás aquí, es porque ya has dado el primer paso. Tomar las riendas y adquirir una posición activa en nuestro tratamiento, es fundamental para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Para comenzar, solo debes estar dispuesta a iniciar un nuev
A DARLA SANTIAGO. PSI é uma empresa sediada em Nova Iguaçu, especializada em serviços de psicologia. Estamos prontos para oferecer o melhor cuidado e apoio emocional aos nossos clientes.Nossa missão é fornecer um ambiente seguro e acolhedor para que
Nova Iguaçu , Avenida Marechal Castelo Branco
Nova Iguaçu , Avenida Marechal Castelo Branco Show on mapNew Magic Journey
As a professional insurance medical examiner and licensed LPN, I conduct comprehensive health evaluations for insurance underwriting purposes. My services include: Blood sample collection for laboratory analysis Urine specimen collection Physical mea
Teaching and certifying CPR, First Aid, and AED skills in classes of 5 -25 students at your location.
CPR/AED Only – Adult and Pediatric Classroom
First Aid CPR/AED Adult and Pediatric - Classroom Only
Tradi' Médecine Africaine
A votre service pour vous accompagner dans le traitement ou l'accompagnement de vos maladies :* Dites et/ou considérées " incurables " * Non visibles (non diagnostiquées) par la médecine contemporaine (Experts, Hopîtaux, etc.)* Diagnostiquées mais p
Gordons Chemists COVID-19 & Flu Vaccination Service – Autumn/Winter 2022-23 You can receive COVID-19 and/or Flu vaccination from our vaccination teams in participating branches of Gordons Chemists. Eligible persons can find their nearest