MRT文創 古亭6號空間
古亭6號空間更多資訊空間租借 時段使用者採全自助式空間 提供超值空間☑ 出站步行30秒即可到達古亭MRT文創空間 ☑ 場地空間分享 ☑ 全新裝潢工業風☑ 高樓視野極佳☑ 多功能使用 ∎公司團體會議 ∎聚會分享 ∎攝影 花藝 ∎課程教學 ∎讀書會 ∎教育訓練 ∎同學會 ∎心靈諮商空間租借時段 :四個小時為一時段◎ 早上時段:08 : 00~12 : 00◎ 下午時段:13 : 00~17 : 00◎ 晚上時段:18 : 00~22 : 00每時段4小時,未
古亭6號02 空間
古亭6號03 空間

SABAR-KAUPlease read this before proceed: This site is mainly to organize meeting rooms in JPP.Please book the meeting room according to your assignations.Always login first before booking. Only assigned person can make the booking. Do not book
Heavenly Fun, LLC
As parents of young children, we want to raise them to become successful, well-balanced adults by nurturing their minds, bodies, and souls. This is easier said than done! We get so busy with work, domestic chores, and minutiae
Party Room 1
Party Room 2
Party Room 3

Your Vision | Your Community| Our PassionWelcome to Homeworks – your ultimate home office solution. At Homeworks, we understand the importance of a productive and comfortable workspace, especially when working from "home." We take pride in offer
Toshkent, Ташкент, Шайхонтохур тумани, Абдулла Кодирий, 11а
Toshkent, Ташкент, Шайхонтохур тумани, Абдулла Кодирий, 11а Show on mapMain zona 1 Kompyuter
Main zona 1 Kompyuter
Main zona 1 Kompyuter
Paperwork PH
A coworking space in Little Baguio, San Juan made for Freelancers, Design-preneurs and SME's.
San Juan, 403 F. Calderon Street, Little Baguio
San Juan, 403 F. Calderon Street, Little Baguio Show on map