Sam Dahmani
Melanie Behringer - refunds for 22/6, 3/7, 6/8
Helen JVR - refund for 8/7
我們針對中小型店家與企業,開始推出設計諮詢的服務!服務項目包含1: 設計預算分配諮詢2: 品牌形象與設計諮詢3: 老品牌轉型規劃諮詢4: 商業空間設計與施工諮詢5: 優化品牌獲利模式諮詢6: 產品銷售策略諮詢有需求的朋友們 歡迎透過網站系統來預約諮詢時間。
Big Box Coaching
Our mission, to inspire others to develop a positive passion for life and achieve their full potential. We achieve that mission together by going through the journey, together. We work with business leaders, teams, and individuals to deliver inspira
Discovery Coaching Session
Life Coaching Session
Work Coaching Session
Antoine Bourel
« Je veux tout déconstruire pour tout comprendre. » Déconstruire les fondations de chaque discipline, de chaque courant et de chaque pensée en commençant par mes propres pensées et mes propres préjugés, mes « pour » et mes « contre », mes a priori.Je
Ciara Neteva Consulting
A Fashion Industry Consulting Business assisting fashion creatives of any type (e.g Models, Photographers, Designers, MUAs, Stylist, etc) with any and all fashion advice and needs, providing you with best knowledge and tools to elevate you in your Fa
CLP - Liderança Pública
O CLP - Liderança Pública é uma organização sem fins lucrativos e suprapartidária que trabalha para tornar o Brasil um país mais democrático e que ofereça uma vida digna aos seus cidadãos. Desenvolvemos pessoas para que se tornem líderes públicos, e
Adaptis Micro-Coaching
Adaptis is a dynamic business advisory firm based in London that offers customized solutions to help business owners achieve their goals. Our team of experts provides a wealth of experience across a range of industries, enabling us to partner with ou
London, The Office Group Tintagel House, 92 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TY
London, The Office Group Tintagel House, 92 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TY Show on mapTom Zierold | Micro-Coaching
Lauren O'Brien | Micro-Coaching
Fiona Metcalfe | Micro-Coaching
Bethany Bell Canine Consulting
Specialising in canine behaviour issues, Bethany also provides expert advice for puppy owners and those who have rescue dogs. Bethany is a Free Will Teacher and a part of the Free Will Teaching team. FWT is a more organic and natural way of living wi
£130 Virtual Canine Behaviour Consultation.
£80 Virtual Canine Behaviour Follow Up Appointment
£200 Virtual FWT Puppy Starter Programme.
allo encombrants
ALLO ENCOMBRANTS vous propose de venir récupérer vos encombrants chez vous particulier ou sur vos chantiers pour les professionnel sur simple rendez-vous sur le site.
Domitille Voyance
Voyance & Coaching Tous les joursUniquement sur rdvTARIFSVoyance 15 mn : 40 eurosVoyance 30 mn : 60 eurosVoyance 1 h : 95 eurosCoaching 45 mn : 55 euros
Voyance 15 mn
Voyance 30 mn
Voyance 1 h
Norwich England Stake Temple Recommend Interviews
Temple recommend interviews allow members to demonstrate that they have a testimony and are striving to obey God’s commandments and follow His prophets. Priesthood leaders also affirm, through the interview, that the member is worthy.Please use this