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Show on mapPeace of Mind Imaging
Fetal imaging from 6 weeks through delivery. 3D/4D imaging, Early Gender determination, Weight, position, and fetal heart rate. Bring your loved ones, little ones and friends and see your little one.
Biophysical Profile-Diagnostic
Dating/Viability Scan-Diagnostic (6-12 weeks)
Detailed Anatomy-Diagnostic (19 weeks+)
We come to you.... to perform lab testing . In just 3 easy steps:Book your appointment A phlebotomist will visit you to collect specimens Your doctor gets your results NO MORE long waits in the waiting room. Upload your doctors order a
Spectra Ultrasound Services LLC
Specializing in self pay diagnostic and screening ultrasound services.
Vascular Health Screening
Women's Health Screening
Urinary System Health Screening
Mountain Creek Labradoodles
Schedule a time to pick up your new puppy! It's very important to be on time as we may have an appointment before or after you. Be sure to use the directions we emailed you. Google Maps takes you out of the way and will take a few extra minutes