Virtual Appointments OnlyOnce you booked your appointment, I will send you a Google chat meeting invite to your email address.Tarot for guidance & clarityMediumship to heal your heart & soul from griefAngelic sound baths to rel
Messages from Source
Mini Tarot Reading
Tarot Reading

The Soul Boutique
Human Design is a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, and Quantum Physics. YourYourYour Chart is calculated using your birth date, time, & place to reveal your genetic d
Level 1 Human Design Reading
Level 2 Human Design Reading
Level 1 & 2 Human Design Reading

Soul Star Psychic Services
SERVICES OFFERED: Our services have been combined into two Category Type Consultations. Regardless where the reading is serviced and how, our clients benefit with an activity of an Aura Read, Intuitive Psychic, Tarot Card&nb
60 minute $120 Soul Star In-depth Attunement
15 mins $20 Soul Star Connection
60 minute $100 Soul Star Mediumship Attunement

Erin Stark Astrology
Hey! I'm Erin Stark, a new-ish astrologer. I've been studying for about ten years and giving readings to people in my life. Help me gain formal experience and I will help you use astrology to learn about yourself and the world around you.
Kansas City, 9875 W 87th St Overland Park, KS 66212
Kansas City, 9875 W 87th St Overland Park, KS 66212 Show on mapAstro Basics Class-Houses
Astro Basics Class-Planets

Las estrategias de seducción son como los dardos que enamoran, fascinando al otro con certera habilidad. Producen gran placer a quien los dispara y a veces . Bienvenido al coctel de seducciones. La cita en la cuál conocerás un mundo lleno de ilusione

Matte&Stuhl - Raum für Stressbewältigung, Achtsamkeit und Seelenwachstum
MBSR 8 Wochen Kurs und Coaching für Frauen in der Lebensmitte. Du lernst, leichter mit Stress und den Herausforderungen des Lebens umzugehen.
Meditationsabend - live&online
Mindful Flow Yoga
Meditationen - online

Drops of Wisdom
¡Bienvenidos a Drops of Wisdom! Me llamo Vanessa, y quiero compartir contigo las herramientas que me han ayudado en mi propio caminar de autodescrubrimiento y expansión personal. Por medio de herramientas de autoconocimiento como lo es Human Design (
Lectura Carta Natal
Sesión de Barras (Presencial)
Telephone Reading: 30 minutes
Telephone Reading: 15 minutes
Telephone Reading: 20 minutes

Reliance Sacrée
Une invitation à se reconnecter avec soi, se relier à son corps, à son cœur, à son âme et à la Source ... à vous rencontrer avec vous-même afin de trouver un sens plus profond à sa vie et à se connecter à plus grand que soi. C'est un