The American University of Rome Help Desk Booking Service
Writing Center Hours (in room B 303):Monday9:30 - 12:002:00 - 3:30Alexandra TrueloveProf. Theresa LindoTuesday11:00 - 12:3012:00 - 1:301:30 - 4:00Prof. Ellie Macias GutierrezProf. Theresa LindoBenjamin HildWednesday9:30 - 12:00Alexandra TrueloveThurs
Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Would like to transfer JavelinaAmbassadors to this account.
Kingsville, 1000 West Santa Gertrudis Street,
Kingsville, 1000 West Santa Gertrudis Street, Show on mapJavelina Camp
Brandon O’Donohue Jr Recital - Performance Hall
Pablo Baltazar Sr Recital - Performance Hall

Book-a-Medic is an innovative online platform that has been developed to help you arrange 1:1 clinical teaching sessions with doctors as well as to provide you with opportunities to book different clinical experiences during your psychiatry atta
Gloucester, Collingwood House, Horton Road
Gloucester, Collingwood House, Horton RoadGloucester, Collingwood House, Horton Road
Show on mapRECEPTION, Charlton Lane, GL53 9DZ, Cheltenham
Show on mapCase Based Discussion
Observed Clerking
Cognitive Assessment

Laboratorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
El Laboratorio de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales es un espacio polivalente y pionero en Andalucía, ideado para la investigación y la formación académica en Ciencias Sociales.
Sevilla, Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1, 24.S.01 (41013), Edificio 24. Sótanos 1 y 2.
Sevilla, Ctra. de Utrera, km. 1, 24.S.01 (41013), Edificio 24. Sótanos 1 y 2. Show on map
MEDDENX is a group of Professionals, Medical and Dental students. We provide free resources for all Medical and Dental Applicants. The resources are based on the UK system. We offer help and resources on all aspects of the medical and dental app
1 to 1 interview session - Medicine
1 to 1 interview session - Dentistry

The Taft University System, Inc.
The Taft University System Inc. Subsidiaries: Taft Law School and William Howard Taft UniversityProgram Information, Post Midterm and Pre-Final Call Appointment Page.
Post Midterm Call
Pre-Final Call
Juris Doctor Program Information

Akademisk skrivesenter UiO
Akademisk skrivesenter ved Universitetet i Oslo er åpent for alle studenter og ansatte som ønsker å utvikle sin egen skriving. Kom og diskuter dine ideer, tekstutkast og spørsmål om skriveprosessen med en av våre skrivementorer. Skrivesenteret ligger
Oslo, Akademisk skrivesenter i HumSam-biblioteket på Blindern
Oslo, Akademisk skrivesenter i HumSam-biblioteket på Blindern Show on mapSkriveveiledning / Writing consultations
English academic writing
UCB Student Engagement
The Student Engagement Team are here to support you throughout your time at UCB, ensuring you have a direct point to discuss any challenges you may be facing throughout your studies. We offer 1-1 coaching, working with you to develop goals that will
Birmingham, The Link - Ground Floor, 65-77 Summer Row
Birmingham, The Link - Ground Floor, 65-77 Summer RowBirmingham, The Link - Ground Floor, 65-77 Summer Row
Show on mapTelephone/Online Appointment - Mentor
Face to Face Appointment - Mentor
Induction of Services for Students
Evening Languages - Meet the Teacher
Are you interested in learning a new language this autumn? Are you unsure about your language level? Would you like to meet our teachers and find out more about our courses? We are arranging some Meet the Teacher Sessions to help and will answer a

Vous étudiez à l'EPFL ? Vous avez des questions concernant la recherche documentaire, la citation ou le plagiat ?Prenez gratuitement rendez-vous avec un bibliothécaire en choisissant la date et l'heure de votre formation.Studying at EPFL? Have que