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Master Maths And Science

Sobre a empresa

We tutor Maths from grade 4-12 and Science from grade 10-12 at our centre. We believe every child has his or her own level of potential as far as mathematics is concerned. The goal at our centre is to teach and guide a learner to attain their full potential. We identify and overcome problems, and with the aid of sound educational systems and competent tutors, we will help any dedicated student.

Nossa equipe

East Rand Square (BL)

Boskburg Central (BL)

Sunward Tutors

Top services

Imagem do serviço

Learner Feedback (Parent Booked)

15 min

We always value and appreciate open communication with the parents of our students. We would also like keep you informed on your child's progress, hear any concerns, answer any queries and discuss study strategies and plans of action w

Ícone de serviço

1hr Session (Afternoon Session)

60 min

Please ensure that booking start on the hour. eg. at 14:00 or 16:00

Ícone de serviço

Cancelled Appointment

15 min

This is not an offered service but is to easily show that an appointment has been cancelled.


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