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Business Impact Global


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Lose weight, get in shape, feel great.

Many people struggle with excess body fat, we help clients uncover the root causes of their fat accumulation and recommend specific actions to remove fat for good.

Try our evidence-based online coaching programme to reach your health and fitness goals.

Hi, I'm Terence, a healthy living coach. I know how you might feel because I have been overweight, tired all the time and physically very weak before. I have transformed my body and my health over time and I know for a fact that you can improve your health status too. I can help you.

Click on the "book now" button for more details and look towards a more hopeful and healthier future for yourself.


Coach Terence Choo



FREE 7-day trial - Customized workouts

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Get your exercise intensity just right for you. Say goodbye to multiple-day muscle soreness with exercise intensity YOU get to choose.


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