

Tutor Centre


Timeless And Treasured Photography

Welcome to Timeless and Treasured Photography, your go-to destination for capturing and preserving your most cherished moments. Based in Marshall, we specialize in providing personalized meetings and services to ensure every client receives a truly u

Easter Mini Session



Herzlich Willkommen bei Tajjiou, Ihrem medizinischen Zentrum in Worms! Unsere Klinik bietet eine Vielzahl von hochwertigen medizinischen Dienstleistungen, um Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden zu verbessern. Von erfahrenen Ärzten und Fachkräften be

Test Service


Bénédicte couture

Bénédicte Couture est LA solution pour tous vos besoins en matière de retouche de vêtements et d'accessoires à La Rochelle et son agglomération. Experts en la matière et passionnée, offrant des prestations de qualité supérieure pour parfaire l'appare


Location icon

Παλλήνη, Νίκου Μίληση 3

Παλλήνη, Νίκου Μίληση 3 用地圖查看



Ana Rebelo

A Ana Rebelo é uma empresa sediada em São Paulo que oferece uma ampla gama de serviços relacionados ao ensino e cuidados infantis. Com um foco especial em eventos, universidades, faculdades, escolas, bibliotecas, reuniões de pais, aulas particulares

Location icon

São Paulo, Avenida Doutor Hugo Beolchi

São Paulo, Avenida Doutor Hugo Beolchi 用地圖查看

Agendar Cotizacíon


CIO Leadership Forum Sydney


Sales associates can book a private space at CIO Leadership Forum Sydney during the conference to secure renewals and close business. Space is available for groups of 6-8 at up to 60 minute increments. The meeting rooms are located in Boardroom IV on

Location icon

Sydney, Sheraton on the Park Elizabeth Street, 161, Boardroom IV Level 5

Sydney, Sheraton on the Park Elizabeth Street, 161, Boardroom IV Level 5 用地圖查看

Meeting Room 1 (8 pax)


Exam Prep


Semester Exam Review We will be keeping our regular tutoring schedule through Thursday, May 23rd. WEEKEND TUTORING and MEMORIAL DAY:  I am available for tutoring during the weekend before exams. If you are inter

Prep session



The CoachWithFunmike (CWF) Program specializes in empowering professionals across different tiers of their careers - with a keen focus on women. Our goal is to help you unlock your full potential, navigate career transitions, overcome career stagnati

Discovery Call


EDC Studio

<我不是最強的爵士鼓手 但我是最會教的爵士鼓手>你好,我是 Edison,EDC,一名音樂人,對於音樂有相當大的熱情和興趣。2018年開設Youtube頻道錄製爵士鼓教學和音樂Cover2019年開設EDC音樂工作室2021年4月加入直播事業,成為簽約音樂直播主2021年11月奪得全球金羽獎2021華語最佳新星- 冠軍音樂:金羽獎2021華語最佳新星Liver - 冠軍 眾星齊追夢《拍住JAM音樂會》樂手(鼓手) + 歌手 RTHK 電台節目 音樂通天下 - 鼓手嘉賓 香港鋼琴

Drum Lesson Booking
