Clients receiving furniture must pick up their furniture directly from our warehouse. At this time we DO NOT provide delivery service. Appointments are currently scheduled on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Client appointments are LIMITED to ONE HOUR blocks of time. We must hold clients to those limits to allow the same opportunities to all of our Furniture Ministry clients in need.Clients must have a truck large enough to accommodate all of their furniture needs in one load and must have help with them to assist in loading their items onto the truck. Due to the necessary paperwork and inventory tracking of outgoing items, our warehouse staff is unable to assist in loading furniture items.Clients with open-ended trucks should also bring rope and tie-downs to secure any furniture loads before departing the warehouse. If rope is available at the warehouse, clients may make use of it provided that they make arrangements to return it to our office at Holy Angels church upon unloading their items. HOWEVER, DUE TO THE NUMBER OF CLIENT APPOINTMENTS ON ANY GIVEN DAY CATHOLIC CHARITIES CANNOT GUARANTEE THE AVAILABILITY OF ROPE OR TIE-DOWNS FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT. If you have it available, please bring it with you.Catholic Charities is not responsible for and cannot replace any items which are lost or damaged in transit due to client's failure to secure the load, nor is Catholic Charities responsible or liable for any traffic citations or other violations received by clients should their load spill onto the public roadway during transit.