Yas Honey Art
Hello, My name is Aniesha, I am a art instructor. I instruct: sip & paint, group painting sessions, private paint sessions, kid sessions etc. At my events we laugh hard, we met new people, we create art. O yea, we also eat the best appetizers a
Mommyhood & more.
Coaching en: -Preparándote para la lactancia en el embarazo - Lactancia materna -Destete respetuoso -salud mental materna durante la lactancia -Crianza consiente Disciplina positiva -BLW Introducción a la alimentación complementaria BLW
Pneumologie am Glockenbach
Lungenärzte am Sendlinger Tor. Bei Atembeschwerden, Husten oder anderen akuten Problemen helfen wir Ihnen kompetent, freundlich und schnell.
Communication animale MC
Je communique avec votre animal de compagnie pour vous aider à mieux le comprendre, qu'il s'agisse de résoudre une problématique ou de mieux combler ses besoins. Je vous aide à trouver des réponses notamment sur : - La santé - Le comportement -
Strive Sports Coaching
Our mission is to provide the best sporting experience for everyone involved with STRIVE regardless of their AGE, GENDER or ABILITY. We want to create a positive learning environment and bring out the best in each individual allowing them TO IMPROVE
Djaka Hair Braiding is local community service which is delightfully willing to provide a great service to all the nearest neighborhood the Houston community. We provide services to all genders ( females and males) ,all ages (0-100), all ethnic grou
Beauty Babe
As a certified eyelash extension artist, I guarantee the highest level of technical and artistic skill, specializing in a safe and healthy application. I am dedicated to the art of accentuating your natural beauty, and my ultimate goal is to help you
FSC Advogados
Advocacia especializada em Direito Digital, Tributário, Trabalhista, Penal, Cível e Consumidor.