Toronto, Birchcrest Court
Tervuren, 3A Oppemstraat
Oppemstraat 3A, 3080, Tervuren
Quito, Av quitumbe y amaru ñan
Long Beach, 5527 E 2nd street
-2 hours of Shooting-1 edited video ranging from 20-60 seconds.-Raw video file access-High Quality photos-72 hour Turnaround time
-For those who want to discuss about booking shoots with different deliverables than the standard content shoot. Call will be held on Google Meetings.
Vauvert, 105 Avenue des costières
대전광역시, 둔산로133 현대아이텔409
Sorocaba, Avenida Doutor Afonso Vergueiro, 1700
台北, 臺北市中山區中山北路2段48巷7號B1
168坪中型展演空間容留人數:座席180人舞台寬度9米 / 深度3.6米 or 4.8米法國L-Acoustics音響(演唱會規格) 400 吋 LED P2.5電視牆(寬10米 x 高4米)未來感LED燈條(Madrix軟體)舞台燈光配置樂團樂器配置藝人/主持人/工作人員專用休息室&衛浴&出入口設計感吧台/側台VIP區可多用途設置專業硬體技術人員
Lausanne, 3 Place Chauderon