Interface Technology
InterFace Technology and our team are always in pursuit of providing industry specific solutions through integration of Hi-Tech devices and i-commerce concept to support our clients to achieve “Services In Live”.
Hong Kong, Unit B, 22/F, Roxy Industrial Centre, , 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K
Hong Kong, Unit B, 22/F, Roxy Industrial Centre, , 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., H.K 用地圖查看MONTESILVANO, via felice cavallotti 24, Via Lungofiume saline snc
MONTESILVANO, via felice cavallotti 24, Via Lungofiume saline snc 用地圖查看Hackney Foodbank Bulk Food Donations
This is the booking system for donations of food larger than 4 boxes. We have a very small warehouse so this system ensures that we will have the room and the volunteers to handle your donation when it arrives. Donations smaller than four boxe