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30 db retusált fotó online
ajándék! az összes jól sikerült fotó utómunkázva online(kb 150-200 fotó)
30 db 10*15cm fotó
15 db 15*20cm fotó
This is our full interior package. Our prices vary depending on the condition of your interior and the size of the vehicle. Prices range from $100 to $450. We take our time on our details, to insure that your car is looking fresh.
This is are prowash and exterior detail package, we will fully power wash and scrub your car. Shine and clean your tires. Clean your glass windows and all mirrors. We use extra small brushes to get into every little nook and cranny we can. ($100 for all)
Do you have a job for us That doesn’t require a full detail? No worries we got you covered. Just let us know what the job is and we will find what’s right for you.
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