There is a Yoga practice that provides you with the equivalent of 3 hours of deepsleep during a 45 minute guided meditation. This deep ‘Yogic Sleep,’ and allowsyour cells in your mind and body to repair and rejuvenate, and greatly reducesstress. Your mind will be guided into a deep mediation, allowing you toexperience the benefits of mediation and the Theta Brain Wave. The initial 45minutes of class will consist of a shamanic aura cleansing, sacred cacaoceremony and spiritual teaching and sharing. We will then prepare our body withyogic breathing exercising with some optional stretches. Then we are ready forthe profoundly deep yogic sleep, a 45 minute Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation.During the Yoga Nidra portion of class the lights will be dimmed and we will belying on our backs. Please bring blankets and pillows to support their body, andallow for deeper relaxation. Please come in comfy clothes bring a yoga mat, anopen heart, and any props that will help you position your body to relax.Date:Time: 6:30PM to 8:30 PMCost:Instructor: Preya Shah, PT, RYT-500