Reading & Discussion (German) - One-Time Trial Class
Dieser Kurs findet einmal pro Woche statt, und Sie können zwischen Dienstag, Freitag und Sonntag wählen.This class is held once a week, and you can choose between Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.이 수업은 주 1회 진행되며,화요일, 금요일, 일요일 중에서 선택하실 수 있습니다.
Science Experiment (German) - One-Time Trial Class
Science Experiment (German) - One-Time Trial Class
Dieser Kurs findet einmal pro Woche statt, und Sie können zwischen Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag wählen.This class is held once a week, and you can choose between Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.이 수업은 주 1회 진행되며 월요일, 화요일, 목요일, 일요일 중에서 선택하실 수 있습니다.