The goal of this treatment is to give you perfectly shaped and hydrated looking lips. It's the perfect way to restore lip definition lost with age or caused by dermal fillers. It can also correct any shape or symmetry concerns. PRE CARE - ❗️Coldsore medication MUST be taken before if prone to the virus - even if you haven’t had one in years! I recommend taking acyclovir tablets for 3-4 days before and after appointment ❗️Drink plenty of water ❗️Make sure your lips are well exfoliated - chapped lips will not implant pigment❗️ No facials, peels, microdermabrasion for 30 days prior ❗️No Retinol, AHA, acne medication, anti ageing products 30 days prior ❗️Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen 48 hours prior❗️No caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior ❗️Must not have had filler within 6 weeks