Picnic for 2 includes:2 hour rentalCustom made picnic tableFloral arrangementBlankets, pillows, and rugsTablescapeCloth or satin napkinsChalk board with messageFruit trayWine or sparkling juiceCard gamesHand sanitizer and insect repellent
Picnic includes:2 hour rentalCustom made picnic tableFloral arrangementBlankets, pillows, and rugsTablescapeCloth or satin napkinsChalk board with messageFruit trayWine or sparkling juiceCard gamesHand sanitizer and insect repellent
Picnic includes:2 hour rentalCustom made picnic tableFloral arrangementBlankets, pillows, and rugsTablescapeCloth or satin napkinsChalk board with messageFruit trayWine or sparkling juiceCard gamesHand sanitizer and insect repellent