Artbreak studio
Artbreak Studio成立於2022,提供不同的工作坊體驗,包括Tufting毛氈藝術、肌理畫、樹脂流體畫、流體及手繪熊仔工作坊。小班授課,為求每位客人都可以得到貼心周詳嘅指導,製作心目中的作品。品牌理念是希望大家可以感受繁忙生活中的一點小幸福,練習把生活的重心放到自己身上,調整自己在生活中的重量同時感受藝術創作的樂趣。✿ Take an artbreak ✿1.請細讀網頁選單目的收費詳情,預約須知,選圖建議等資料2.按預約按鈕進行預約3.選擇上課方案/人數/日期
Notre collectif d'amis, professionnels du bien-être, vous propose une accalmie dans ces temps de confinement : aérez votre corps et votre esprit en participant à des séances de sophrologie, des ateliers créatifs, des temps de méditations...&nbs
Susi Lopera Art Studio
ART CLASSES FOR EVERYONE Classes at our San Antonio studio are perfect for all levels of experience and all ages. We provide all supplies, such as glass to break in our safety box, blank canvases, metal flowers, and charcuterie boards to decorate wi
Pagosa Artworks
No Matter your skill level - even complete beginners - Pagosa Artworks will help you paint something you'll be proud to hang in your home. With different themes for each class, you'll love the capabilities you discover, and you'll be excited to share
Stupots Pottery Studio
Stupots Pottery studio is based just outside Bristol is a small village called Rangeworthy. Stupots provide pottery wheel courses and taster classes for beginners, Birthdays, Corporate events, Hen parties and people looking for a new hobby.
Bristol, Shiralee cottage, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy
Bristol, Shiralee cottage, Wotton Road, Rangeworthy 用地圖查看Wroclaw, Zygmunta Krasińskiego 15A/2, Wejście od podwórka, osobny lokal na parterze.
Wroclaw, Zygmunta Krasińskiego 15A/2, Wejście od podwórka, osobny lokal na parterze. 用地圖查看