Journey to Wholeness
My desire is to support individuals on their healing journey to wholeness through Ayurvedic & Yoga Inspired Registered Massage Therapy. Through my services, I wish to bring a greater awareness to the body-mind connection which holds the key
Kabenji Cuts Studio
Le studio de coiffure cozy. Réserves ton rdv pour passer un moment de détente et de bien être!
Balayage By Jazette
balayage by Jazettenew yorkfloridacalifornianorth carolina#balayage#babylights#silkpress#haircut#extensionsproducts + appts , 646 926 4701

Modern Styles Beauty Lounge
At Modern Styles Beauty Lounge, we love to make people feel and look their very best. Modern styles Beauty has a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere and strives to provide a high level of services.

Cible Skin
Cible Skin est leader depuis 2015 en dermatologie anti-âge. Après 7 années de recherche, Cible Skin lance sa gamme de produits cosmétiques.
Nicola Marini
In KARMAN parrucchieri nasce un nuovo mondo per la cura e il benessereOffriamo consulenze gratuite e mirate per qualsiasi tipo di esigenzaTutti i nostri servizi e professionalità sono a vostra disposizione per regalarvi un'esperienza di benessere e b

Callum Gillon Massage and Bodywork
Fully qualified massage therapist who specialises in Holistic, Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release. Working with your needs and wishes the massage is tailored to what ever you want from your treatment.
Bristol, Ground floor, Studio 2, , 27 Portland Square,
Bristol, Ground floor, Studio 2, , 27 Portland Square,