AfroTouch OU
Afrotouch Beauty Salon is a premier beauty haven specialising in Afro-centric hair and beauty services. Nestled in the heart of the city, Afrotouch is a sanctuary that combines traditional African beauty techniques with modern flair. Our team of high
London, Bayley Street, 11-13, Numa Bloomsbury London
London, Bayley Street, 11-13, Numa Bloomsbury London 用地圖查看313allagescli3939
"這是一個由職能治療師創立的全齡手刀筋膜放鬆團隊,提供傳統整復推拿民俗調理服務、筋膜放鬆、運動按摩、成人療癒瑜珈及核心瑜珈的瑜伽運動,兒童瑜珈、親子瑜珈服務,介紹如下: 1.傳統整復推拿區:提供全身推拿、整復等民俗調理 2.肌肉平衡區:提供腰酸背痛、肩頸酸痛、肢體酸痛的筋膜放鬆以及運動按摩 3.兒童遊戲區:兒童瑜伽、兒童全腦開發、感統藝術、感統遊戲空間、兒童發展諮詢、各式玩具文具買賣"服務項目:筋膜放鬆/臉部撥筋/胸肋骨呼吸筋膜調理/骨盆調理/運動按摩/傳統整復推拿/筋膜放鬆教學/瑜珈教學創辦人
B. Jenee's
My name is Brittani Jenee’ also known as B. Jenee’. I am the Founder and CEO of B, Jenee’s LLC. I am a licensed Master Hairstylist with more than 15 years of experience. I specialize in healthy hair care for all hair types. Due to the belief that a w
Bat Ya Lashes
Want to enhance the charm and appeal of your eyes or wake up looking beautiful without makeup? Get the look and enhance your beauty with eyelash extensions! Make gorgeous feel even more effortless. Our luxury lash extensions are your ultima
Насладете се на прекрасната сигурност да се отпуснете в най-добрите ръце с Вашите масажни процедури.Докосване след докосване, вие навлизате по-дълбоко във великолепния свят на обновление и релаксация. Дъх след дъх, усеща
Nuestros servicios destacados incluyen acupuntura, una técnica milenaria que ha demostrado ser efectiva para el alivio del estrés, el dolor crónico y diversos problemas de salud, así como masajes que no solo relajan tus músculos, sino que también ene
Guayaquil, Acupuntura y Masa, Avenida 25 de Julio, Guasmo Oeste, Guayaquil, Guayas, 090102, Ecuador
Guayaquil, Acupuntura y Masa, Avenida 25 de Julio, Guasmo Oeste, Guayaquil, Guayas, 090102, Ecuador 用地圖查看Beauty Mix
Beauty Mix 至今已營運超過15年,我們的成功之道在於顧客的信賴。因深明箇中道理,務求為客人提供最優質最專業的美容服務;因此,我們為每位客戶提供細膩貼心的服務,照顧每一位顧客需要。憑這種以客為尊的服務態度,我們才得以確立起雄厚的客戶基礎。 Beauty Mix 著重提供以「個人需求、度身訂造」的美容服務,當中包括:美睫、角蛋白、睫毛增長、日式睫毛、808激光脫毛、HIFU提拉、去眼袋、溶脂減肥療程、淋巴排毒、面部毛囊清潔、去黑頭粉刺等多項美容項目以配合不同客