Scubaversity / Swimversity
Learn to Swim / Learn to Scuba. Come and Try Scuba Diving Today! Book your Try Dive, Your Swim Lessons or Book the Venue for your Private Function Now!
Roodepoort, 22 Chestnut road Tres-Jolie, Ruimsig
Roodepoort, 22 Chestnut road Tres-Jolie, Ruimsig 用地圖查看The Power of Presence
How can you actually slow your mind down?How can you train your mind to see the bright side?How can you go beyond your mind to experience "peace that passeth understanding"?I can show you. Let's talk.Greg
Peggy Ropars Coach
Je suis coach professionnelle cela signifie que je suis une professionnelle du coaching et que j’accompagne des personnes, en individuel ou en collectif, pendant une période donnée sur des problématiques, besoins ou envies. Mes
Yaam Swims
Welcome to Yaam Swims, where we provide exceptional coaching services to help you and people around you improve their swim skills. Based in Houston,Tx, Yaam Swims offers a range of private and group swim lessons, including half-hour, 45-minute, and o
Mon Coach Confiance en Soi
Coach en développement personnel, j'ai à cœur de transmettre ma passion de l'évolution de soi. Mon objectif est d'aider ceux qui souhaitent évoluer sur eux-mêmes. Ayant acquis une grande connaissance de la loi d'attraction, je me ferai un plaisir de
Support the Caregiver
Our mission is to support caregivers in caring for their mental, physical and spiritual well being and to create greater awareness for family and friends to the daily challenges all caregivers and their Loved Ones face.
Dasa Szekely (ausgesprochen Dascha Seekai) ist zertifizierte Lehrende und Supervidierende Transaktionsanalytikerin, Systemischer Coach, Autorin, Trainerin und Cartoonistin und arbeitet seit 18 Jahren national und international.Ihr Ziel, sagt sie, ist
Relationship Coach | Personal Growth Advocate | Love & Happiness EnthusiastBoundarySolutions is dedicated to helping individuals create fulfilling and thriving relationships. Our coaches have a background in psychology and a deep understanding of