Unique Soul Ministry
Unique Soul Ministry is a Life Coaching mentoring service that works with people of all walks of life by helping them create a healthier mental, emotional, and physical lifestyle. Changes in our life is not always an easy task; We all need faith, lov
iKiola Student Development
iKiola Student Development is the #1 Online Company for Adult Readiness. In 2016, we decided to create iKiola as a solution to help students prepare for life after graduation and to become more adult-ready. Since then, we have helped students across
Healthy Sydney
At Healthy Sydney, we specialize in delivering holistic lifestyle coaching programs tailored to your unique needs, whether in a private or group setting. Our comprehensive approach includes movement coaching, nutrition coaching, mindfulness coaching,
Lifepower GmbH
Hypnosetherapie, Gesprächstherapie und Coaching Medizinische Hypnosetherapiefür psychosomatische Belastungsstörungen.Ganzheitlicher & effektiver Weg raus ausdem Tief, Krise, Depression oder Burnout.
Neurofeedback et moi
Découvrez l'entraînement cérébral sans effort !Créée au Canada par deux psychologues cliniciens il y a 20 ans, la méthode Neuroptimal® aide le cerveau à mieux se réguler.Entrainer son cerveau à mieux fonctionner n'a jamais été aussi facile !Installé
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Hipnose | Análise comportamental | Coaching | PNL
Susann Neubert
Dein Gefühl zeigt dir deinen Weg.Es erzählt dir über dich. Die Geschichte über dich selbst. Wenn du beginnst, offen zuzuhören und in dich hineinzuspüren, was Angst, Wut oder Trauer dir sagen wollen, wirst du dich wieder mehr erkennen. Du wirst sehen,