If you are new to organisation role consulting I am offering the first session This gives you the opportunity to try it out. If you continue to book a series of session we have pre-pay packages to suit.
Sarah Phillips MA, BA, DipN MA in Organisation Consultancy-Systems:Psychodynamic Approach (2007). Trained by the internationally recognised centre of excellence for psychological practice. The Tavistock, London: Qualified and trained to work with Individuals, Group and Organisations/systems. I offer Organisation Role Analysis which can be for executive coaching but available to everyone in all roles, leaders and followers. We do this ONLINE via DOCTIFY secure Video link used by the NHS or Zoom. Phone is an option but video or face to face (as allowed) preferred. Organisation Role Analysis focusses on the role. Looking at the person, the role and the organisation and placing that in current times/situations. The systems:psychodynamic approach to organisations incorporates three overlapping frameworks: systems thinking, group behaviour and psychoanalytic theory. The outcome is a powerful combination, whereby clients gain a depth of understanding that gets to the heart of a situation. Roles are complex and in this time of crisis coupled with unprecedented change, roles and the way we work has changed overnight for many. What we want from leaders had already evolved over the decades, but now in this global crisis we see the trend of demanding certainty from leaders, when in fact there are no clear facts. Leaders face a great challenge to remain sufficiently agile to build the new normal, while also trying to contain the anxieties of their team and leading with clarity and direction. All the time they do this, they must manage their own response to the world change. ORA – Organisation Role Analysis gives the space to think, and so consider what is really going on to determine a realistic way forward. Our consultancy session is a space for you that is strictly confidential and never recorded. This is important to point out to all, but also for high profile clients whose role has sensitivities or is of public interest about the help they need.
Role consultancy/Organisation Role Analysis is similar to executive coaching but available to everyone in all roles, leaders and followers.
Principal consultant Sarah Phillips Your space to think. Sarah Phillips MA, BA, DipN MA in Organisation Consultancy-Systems:Psychodynamic Approach (2007). Trained by the internationally recognised centre of excellence for psychological practice. The Tavistock, London: Qualified and trained to work with Individuals, Group and Organisations/systems. Virtual consultation.
I keep updated by attending internation conferences as well as Tavistock Alumni. I am member or International Society for the Psychoanalytic study of Organisations (ISPSO) I recently attended a two day virtual event with NIODA - National Institute for Organisation Dynamics Australia
I undertake regular supervision with a psychoanalyst who is trained in this approach.